Rights and Responsibilities

At the center of Unitarian Universalism is the expectation that we build a church and a religious practice through covenant, which is to say through the expectation of responsible participation in a religious community. In other words, we build the child, continually and in relationships. We reflect today on this call and on what the Rev. Dr. King, Jr. taught about the challenges and rewards of relationship.

1 15 23 OOS–Rights and Responsibilities

1 15 23 Remarks and Reflections–Rights and Responsibilities

Join us after the service for in-person hospitality downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.  All Children’s programs (Nursery, Children’s Chapel, and Youth Group) are up and running.

Click this link to join the service:  https://zoom.us/j/99358411229?pwd=eGU2RUNiS0lFNjdyZlFMOVZITEhCdz09. Contact Worship Tech Kat Clements at cattyrant999@gmail.com or by texting 507-380-4451 if you have trouble accessing the Zoom worship service and coffee hour.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme:  Finding Our Center