Running into a New Year

As the new year begins, we worship with Rev. Lisa Friedman and the people of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Minnetonka. Please note: Worship begins at 10:00am. You can login as early as 9:30.

How we have longed to say goodbye to 2020! But how shall we greet the fresh pages of a new year, after all that we have endured? What can we imagine for ourselves and our world? And how can our imagination help us to heal?

Minnetonka Zoom Information:

For audio only, call (312) 626-6799 and enter meeting ID 970 6951 9480; password 367039

For technical support, text your name to 612-486-2705 (or call) and a member of our team will help you. 


Following coffee hour with the Minnetonka congregation, Karen Knox will host UUFM Sorrows and Joys and coffee hour.

Join Zoom  by clicking ;or by opening your Zoom icon and entering the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229 where it says “Join A Meeting”; or through an audio-only call by dialing on your phone 312-626-6799, then entering the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229, followed by # . The Meeting password is 883666. You will enter a Waiting Room, and a Host will greet you to admit you to the Worship Space.


Soul Matters Theme for January: What does it mean to be a community of IMAGINTION?
