Spiritual Imagination

Our imagination is a powerful tool. It can drive our creativity, fuel our hope, and deepen our faith. What if we engaged imagination as a spiritual practice?

This service is built around a video sermon by Rev. Jackson, the Director of Ministries for Lifelong Learning at the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association. The worship service will be live in our sanctuary and via Zoom as usual, with only the sermon being a pre-recorded video.

03.24.24 OOS – Spiritual Imagination


Join us after the service for an in-person hospitality downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.  Children’s programs (Nursery and Children’s Chapel) are up and running.

Children’s Faith Development Q&A and Refresher (Families and Facilitators welcome!) Sunday, March 24th, 12-2:30pm (12-1pm for parent check-in, and 1-2:30pm for facilitator training)
Stay after coffee hour to meet with the Children’s Faith Development Committee to check-in, create a group covenant, ask questions, and share what is meaningful to you.
We will be serving vegetarian chili, snacks, and beverages.
RSVP: https://uufm.breezechms.com/form/b42dab


Click this link to join the service:  https://zoom.us/j/99358411229?pwd=eGU2RUNiS0lFNjdyZlFMOVZITEhCdz09. Contact Worship Tech Kat Clements at cattyrant999@gmail.com or by texting 507-380-4451 if you have trouble accessing the Zoom worship service.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme:  Transformation