Stand in the River

Our memories of the past create a mighty river of love, loss, and longing that refreshes our lives, but can also overflow its banks. Join guest preacher Kathryn Jay as we explore our longing for those who came before us: the ancestors near and far who inspire and encourage us, the people and places we miss.

A brief bio:

Kathryn Jay is serving as the Hallman Ministerial Intern at St. Paul’s Unity Church Unitarian this year. After seventeen years as a college and high school teacher, Kathryn returned to school as a student at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, where she will earn her Masters of Divinity in May. Kathryn loves taking photos, reading poetry, walking in nature, and drinking hoppy beer while watching baseball. She has found summer and fall in Minnesota to be astonishingly beautiful and can’t wait to experience a snowy winter. 


Worship Leader: Kim Evans
Worship Associate: Barrie Evans
Sound Booth: Linda Ganske

Soul Matters Monthly Theme for November:
What does it mean to be Community of Memory?

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