The Care and Feeding of a New Minister

So, after almost nine months, with a lot of effort (made easier by the great story we can tell about ourselves), we’ve actually done it-we looked for a minister who would be the best partner for us as we grow still further in nourishing our spirits, broadening our minds, nurturing the earth, and building our community.  And we found her!  And she even likes us!  But that’s not the end of the story.  Now that we’ve caught her, what do we have to do to keep her?  The Chair of the Minister Search Committee, Tony Filipovitch, will share some ideas he gleaned from other congregations who have been on this road before us.
April’s Theme – Transformation

Speaker: Tony Filipovitch
Worship Leader: Kim Evans
Worship Associate: Barrie Evans
Sound Booth: Dennis Cramblit

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