What Legacy Will You Leave?

As we move from the October theme of Heritage to the November theme of Generosity, we will think about both the legacies of many kinds we have received, and those we might choose to leave for others. How might our generosity benefit not only those we love, but those we may never meet?

11.5.23 OOS – What Legacy Will You Leave

Join us after the service for in-person hospitality downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.  Children’s programs (Nursery and Children’s Chapel) are up and running.

Click this link to join the service:  https://zoom.us/j/99358411229?pwd=eGU2RUNiS0lFNjdyZlFMOVZITEhCdz09. Contact Worship Tech Kat Clements at cattyrant999@gmail.com or by texting 507-380-4451 if you have trouble accessing the Zoom worship service.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme: Generosity