Whence Springs Hope?

Reverend Doege’s sermon for February 9, posits that what comes to define our generations (late boomer, gen X, perhaps millennials) for future generations will be the extent to which we are able to choose hope over despair.


The Reverend Lisa Doege has been minister at Nora Unitarian Universalist Church in Hanska since 2009. She is a nearly lifelong UU, raised in St. Paul, educated at Harvard Divinity School, and having served congregations in South Bend, Indiana, and Bemidji and Fridley, Minnesota. She serves on the boards of directors of NUMAS Haus and the United Way of the Brown County Area. She lives in the parsonage on the Nora grounds with her 14 year old daughter.

Soul Matters Monthly Theme: What does it mean to be a community of RESILIENCE?

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