Who’s in Charge of Your End-of-Life Decisions?

People who take pride in being in charge of every aspect of their lives – who they’ll marry, where they’ll live, what kind of career path they’ll follow — will often hand over end-of-life decision making to complete strangers. How does that happen? And what can do be done to stop it?

Our speaker today is the Rev. Harlan Limpert. Until his retirement two years ago he served our larger Unitarian Universalist faith as the Unitarian Universalist Association’s chief operating officer. He is the co-founder of Interfaith Clergy for End of Life Options, a group of clergy representing six religious denominations and reformed Judaism. They are spiritual leaders united in support of a full range of end-of-life options, including medical aid in dying.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme: What does it mean to be a people of WISDOM?

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