Speaker: Rev. Diana McLean

Repairing the Wounds of our Nation

On this Sunday after the election, no matter the result, there are wounds in our nation that will require time, attention, and energy to heal. The increased divisiveness of the last decade or so need not be how we continue to live as a nation. … read more.

Indigenous People’s Day

Every week we commit in our land acknowledgment to be good relatives to our indigenous neighbors. This Sunday, we will explore more deeply how we might do that, including through listening to the stories of this area’s complicated history of conflict between indigenous people and … read more.

Being Superheroes

Our world sorely needs superheroes—and yet we know that the Avengers or Superman or Batman are not going to come rescue us. Perhaps, committed to the long haul and grounded in hope, we can be some of the superheroes our world needs. Come experience an … read more.

Hope in Hard Times

These times are hard, in many different ways, for many people. When hard times come, where do we turn for hope? We’ll hear answers from a variety of sources and consider how we might experience or even contribute to hope even when tempted by despair.

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In It for the Long Haul

The work of creating justice in the world is not done in a day, and not done alone. One of many reasons we gather as a faith community is to do that work together. Come explore what that means in this crucial time.

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