Speaker: Rev. Diana McLean

Flower Service

The Flower Service is one of the uniquely Unitarian (and now Unitarian Universalist) rituals we observe as a congregation and a denomination. Come celebrate our beautiful community through this ritual–bring a flower if you are able, but if not, know that there will be plenty … read more.

The Paths That Brought Us Here

Revs. Diana and Shay followed very different paths to Unitarian Universalist ministry, beginning with the fact that Shay was raised Catholic and Diana was raised UU. They’ll share their journeys, and explore what this means about the stories each of us brings to our Unitarian Universalist identity.

… read more.

In It for the Long Haul

The work of creating justice in the world is not done in a day, and not done alone. One of many reasons we gather as a faith community is to do that work together. Come explore what that means in this crucial time.


Join us after … read more.