Speaker: Rev. Dr. Rita Capezzi

Listening for Yourself

Quaker educator and activist Parker Palmer writes: “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.” How might a person find ways to hear themselves, hear their lives telling them … read more.

Renewing Ourselves

At the start of a new church year, there is no time like the present to begin again. Why not ask yourself: What makes me feel alive? What gifts have I got to sustain myself, my family, my community? What goodness is breaking out of … read more.

Ingathering/ Water Communion

September 13—Ingathering/ Water Communion

We gather for the new church year, in ways now familiar though still strange, to celebrate our life as a religious community offering compassion to and working for justice for all. It will be good to gather as a people to celebrate … read more.

Online Worship Service and Coffee Hour

Religious Naturalism

Can you imagine a religious practice holding that: all is nature, there is nothing but nature, humanity is part of nature, and nature is worthy of our utmost reverence? Join UUFM’s minister, the Rev. Dr. Rita Capezzi, as she explores the theology … read more.

Online Worship Service and Coffee Hour

What is Religion For?

Some of us long for a community of like-minded people. Some of us consider ourselves “spiritual but not religious.” Some of us seek “the holy,” or don’t. So what is religion, what is a religious community, what is a reason to practice … read more.

Overcoming the Disconnect

Many of us find respite from our overly wired world by gardening or hiking or otherwise reveling in the beauty of the natural world. How might we move from relationship to interconnection, with nature not as a sight for sore eyes and minds but the … read more.

Listening for Yourself

Listening for Yourself

Quaker educator and activist Parker Palmer writes: “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.” How might a person find ways to hear themselves, hear their lives … read more.