Speaker: Reverend Rita Capezzi

Simple Abundance

Albert Einstein said, “It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience.” Yes! And many … read more.

What’s Next?

Where have we come from, in this last year of shared ministry? And where are we going? We have plans! And still much will unfold in ways mysterious and beyond our attempts to control. How can together we grow evermore trusting and confident … read more.

Braided Beauty

While, as we are told, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” our Euro-centric culture has some pretty specific definitions, including a dominant one—that what is pretty is beautiful. Process theology, however, defines beauty as “a diversity of forms.” We’ll explore beauty … read more.

Webs and Flowers

The very first Flower Communion was celebrated on June 4, 1923, which is why we celebrate it on the first Sunday of June each year. This is a uniquely Unitarian ritual meaningful for many Unitarian Universalist congregations. All across the country, the continent, … read more.

Ultimately, What Makes You Tick?

How about we entertain some curiosity about ourselves? How well do you know yourself? What gives you joy? To what or whom do you pin your hopes and dreams for yourself? What freezes you into inaction, incapacity, indifference? Let’s imagine together that we … read more.

Honoring our Families, Children, and Youth

As we continue exploring our Soul Matters monthly theme, Curiosity, we pause to recognize all the families with children and youth enlivening and enlarging our Fellowship. Please join Carrie Rice, Director of Children’s Faith Development, Rev. Rita Capezzi, and the UUFM Choir under … read more.

What Becomes of Earth’s Beauty?

Indeed, what does become of Earth’s beauty as our human societies pollute continuously and as the climate warms disastrously? Can we learn a new way to live on the earth? What might a new way look like?

Please join us for an All-Generation Service. … read more.

Weaving Webs

Sometimes it feels like the world is determined to tear us apart, to set us against each other, to isolate us from one another. What can we do to recognize the threads connecting us, to weave stronger strands of relationship, to value the interdependent web … read more.

Circle of the Seasons

As happens each year, we make another journey around the sun and once again we are on the cusp of spring, and light and dark are again in balance. And yet no one year is exactly like another. What does this spring bring?

Soul Matters Monthly … read more.