Speaker: Reverend Rita Capezzi

Together, We Covenant . . .

“Today I want to greet joy/Without a trace of suspicion.” Amy Loyd

On Sunday, March 10, join us for our worship service in the sanctuary. Children begin downstairs for a Full-Hour Children’s Chapel and journey quest.

Through covenants, we are the active … read more.

Migration Stories

“Exile calls us to soften our hard defenses, to acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers, to seek the resources available in our new communities and reach out to strangers for support.”—Christine Valters Paintner

Since the emergence of our ancestors in some part of Africa … read more.

Trusting Ourselves

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float”—Alan Watts

When we know we have made mistakes, when we … read more.

Is That Really Possible?

The late, great Muhammad Ali claimed “Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” These words might well be the mantra of this Fellowship. What else might we accomplish … read more.

When Will Change Come?

Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, aka John Paul, wrote “Whoever believes in the good in people, draws forth the good in people.” Perhaps this is exactly the attitude we ought to assume as we lament the injustice that persists despite all our work and best intentions. … read more.

New Possibilities

The advent of the new year brings with it the dreaded “New Year Resolution.” And making a new year resolution so often brings us into a place of lack and fault-finding. How about this year, instead, we take a leap and open ourselves up to … read more.

The Wonder of Christmas

Despite pain and anguish, despite injustice and turmoil, love grows and thrives in a harmful and hurting world. Commemorating the birth of Jesus in the quiet dark of night reminds us of an abiding mystery—that love grows and even thrives in a harmful and hurting … read more.

Living into Mystery

Rabbi Lawrence Kushner claims that “A mystic is anyone who has the gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradictions, and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity.” Undoubtedly, we are all mystics, we have all had that feeling of connection and … read more.

Here’s a Mystery for You

Many wonder (perhaps you do) how Unitarian Universalists can pray or worship if they question the existence of (or downright don’t believe in) God. Rev. Rita offers some perspective on such questions of religious practice and faith, … read more.