Speaker: Susan S. Chambers

I Will Meet You There

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, There is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273) Translated by Coleman Barks and John Moyne

Our theme for December is “Presence”. We are entering the holiday season, we are
worrying about what the new year will bring, … read more.


Haven’t we all planned the perfect events, just to have everything change?  Hermann Hesse stated “Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”  We will explore letting go, facing change head on.

Join us after the service for in-person hospitality downstairs … read more.

Poetry of Resistance

“Resistance” is our UUFM theme for the month of April.  In addition, April is National Poetry Month and National Poetry Month has a theme of “Joy” this year. The service will focus on Poetry of Resistance: a poetic call for tolerance, reflection, reconciliation and healing.  … read more.


Haven’t we all planned the perfect holiday with family, just to have everything change?  Sometimes it’s weather, sometimes it’s health.  Why do we stress when things around us change?  Hermann Hesse stated “some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is … read more.

Breathing and Being

Susan Stevens Chambers leads a service in celebration of Poetry Month. In his poem “Only Breath,” Rumi discusses what “being” can mean. The dictionary tries to point us in the right direction;  poets tell us with songs of spring.  We will explore being  and celebrate the season, … read more.