
Table Conversations:  What do we do well together?


  • *Eat/socialize/hang out (8)
    • But could do intermingle more with families we don’t know
    • *Sharing organic gardening/food (2)
    • Eat wonderful food
  • *Children’s programs (7)
    • *OWL (healthy sexuality & accurate information about their bodies) (2)
    • Children’s chapel
    • Meetings with parents to help us nurture spirituality in our kids
    • Positive growth environment for children
    • Teach our children kindness, respect, responsibility, acceptance of diversity
    • Informal play opportunities (ping-pong, etc.)
    • Pizza at childcare during choir practice (child response)
    • Meet new people/make friends (child response)
  • Care for each other (6)
    • Celebrate our joys & sorrows together (2)
    • Support one another in times of need/Pastoral care (2)
    • *Communicate well with each other
    • *Work well together
    • Comfort each other
    • *Provide a comfortable, safe space (2)
    • Don’t get angry with us (child response)
  • Serve out in the community (6)
    • *Opportunities for social justice action (3)
    • Opportunities for social interaction
    • Help the Food Shelf
    • 2nd Collection
    • *Support hungry & homeless
    • Pride Parade
  • *Experience/build community (5)
    • Hang out with like-minded people
    • Know that they have our backs
    • Community for political support
    • Chance to experience all ages/stages of life
    • *Share a sense of spirituality
    • Acceptance and open-minded learning opportunities for both young and old
    • *Talk about important issues
    • *Recruiting volunteer labor (2)
  • Worship together (5)
    • Sing together (3)
    • Hear good sermons/share big ideas
    • Services appeal to wide range of ages
    • Worship committee stepped up when we didn’t have minister
    • Inspire and get inspired
    • *Year-round services
    • Acting on our principles
  • *Welcoming people (we are improving) (4)
    • Welcoming diverse beliefs, cultures, backgrounds, & people
    • “Not holy-ed”—allow pagans (child response)
    • Not bullied for being who you are (child response)
    • *Childcare provision
    • Like the color/pictures/building (child response)
  • Serve within our community (4)
    • Opportunities to learn together
    • Intellectually stimulate each other (adult ed—need more!)
    • *Socialize together (book club, lunch bunch…)
    • Silent auction

* =”Do well together” mentioned at least once


Table Conversations:  What might we do well together?

  • Maintain a full-time minister for the long run
  • More awareness of needs in the community
    • Support a better situation for the homeless in the area, in coalition with community partners
    • Fair Trade—hold Bazaar here
    • Hosting Connections shelter
    • Collective on UUFM team service work
    • Create/support a “program” to pair elders with young families in a variety of ways, perhaps moving toward co-housing
  • Focus on one issue, e.g., “UUFM is the church that….”
    • Has taken on the issue of homeless youth
  • Celebrate our theological diversity, encourage exploration of differences among/within us
    • More adult RE
    • Revive/update Cakes for the Queen of Heaven & Rise Up & Call Her Name
    • Humanities Series
  • Improve the grounds
    • Labyrinth
    • Memorial garden
  • Activities
    • Revive Blue Skunks
    • Drumming Circles
    • Art Circles
    • Fundraiser with music
      • Granary Girls
      • Amy Kortuem/Fire & Ice/Prima Vox
      • Jim Scott
      • Peter Mayer
    • Committee Fair
      • With contest for “Best Desert”