Topic: Awe

Awe: Walking with Thoreau

UUFM joins the Unitarian Universalist Church of Eau Claire (WI) for worship this morning. Awe: Walking with Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau wrote in his journal on February 2nd, 1841: “A child asked his father what became of the old moon, and he said it was cut … read more.

Mysteries, Yes!

Susan S. Chambers explores the awe we discover each and every day.  A local poet, she will touch on how the comfort of a poem can touch us spiritually.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme: what does in mean to be a community of AWE?

Stories of Wonder and Awe

Despite pain and anguish, despite injustice and turmoil, love grows and thrives in a harmful and hurting world. Commemorating the birth of Jesus in the quiet dark of night reminds us of an abiding mystery—that love grows and even thrives in a harmful and hurting … read more.

An Awful, Awe-full Season

Out of control commercialism, deep loneliness and alienation, and some truly horrid music can make the Christmas season unbearable for many of us. Yet cultivating a sense of awe, “to sense the ultimate in the common and the simple; to feel in the rush of … read more.