Topic: Beauty

Awe: Walking with Thoreau

UUFM joins the Unitarian Universalist Church of Eau Claire (WI) for worship this morning. Awe: Walking with Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau wrote in his journal on February 2nd, 1841: “A child asked his father what became of the old moon, and he said it was cut … read more.

What might this world look like if “beauty” where not confined to prettiness but rather signified a world made harmonious and wholesome? How can we foster such beauty-making?

We gather in the Charles Avenue Sanctuary beginning Sunday mornings at 10:10am, with informational slides at 10:20am and worship starting at 10:30. We also broadcast through Zoom:

There are three ways to access the meeting:
1. Click this link
2. Dial in by calling … read more.

Nature makes for some wonderful and amazing bodies, so why do we have such a hard time loving them? Rev. Rita explores limited views of beauty and how they hurt all of us.

We gather in the Charles Avenue Sanctuary beginning Sunday mornings at 10:10am, with informational slides at 10:20am and worship starting at 10:30. We also broadcast through Zoom:

There are three ways to access the meeting:
1. Click this link
2. Dial in by calling … read more.

Stories of Wonder and Awe

Despite pain and anguish, despite injustice and turmoil, love grows and thrives in a harmful and hurting world. Commemorating the birth of Jesus in the quiet dark of night reminds us of an abiding mystery—that love grows and even thrives in a harmful and hurting … read more.

The Gol-Darn Wheel

Politics, History, Spirituality, and the Bicycle

Lee Ganske, UUFM member and founding member of the Greater Mankato Bike and Walk Advocates

Soul Matters Monthly Theme: what does it mean to be a community of BEAUTY?

What’s Next?

Where have we come from, in this last year of shared ministry? And where are we going? We have plans! And still much will unfold in ways mysterious and beyond our attempts to control. How can together we grow evermore trusting and confident … read more.

Braided Beauty

While, as we are told, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” our Euro-centric culture has some pretty specific definitions, including a dominant one—that what is pretty is beautiful. Process theology, however, defines beauty as “a diversity of forms.” We’ll explore beauty … read more.