Topic: Beliefs

Striving to Atone

People strive for transformational happiness through self actualization, mindfulness and education exercises but what if we already hold the key to our own happiness.  Rabbi Yosi Gordon shares his message of atonement and how we can strive daily to not only forgive but to engage in hard … read more.

Cherish Your Doubts

We may very well be agnostics or atheists about many of the things our neighbors believe.  But if we never go on to consider what we do believe, how best to live our lives, and what might be the meaning of our death, we’ve played … read more.

The Human Right To Die

Euthanasia takes us into another round of the great debate between sanctity of life vs. quality of life.  Carry it deeply enough and it may illuminate what life means to you – a most worthy journey to begin a Sunday morning.

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