Topic: Belonging

“Samhain really much more than Hallowe’en”

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. Spending a little time at the crossroads of Samhain and hallowe’en. And perhaps learning a bit about not only the holiday but ourselves as well…

Jeremiah Myer is a lifelong spiritual seeker and continues to be … read more.

“We Know We Belong When . . .”

A sense of belonging emerges from prepared ground, when the conditions are right to welcome us into the fold. This Sunday, with inspirational music by our Choir, as well as some fun and games and playacting, we explore how our longing become belonging. This is … read more.

Be Your Longing

We all hold within us longings—personal ones, like to be loved or respected or cared for. And communal ones—such as to understand the stories of those with different life experiences, to ameliorate the suffering of homelessness or poverty, to live justly in a … read more.

A “Welcoming Congregation”

In 2006, the Fellowship became a “Welcoming Congregation.” A designation that goes well beyond an expectation of warmth and friendliness, “Welcoming Congregation” calls us to be radically hospitable. We are called to create the Fellowship as a place where it is easy to … read more.