Topic: Curiosity

Curiosity and Creativity

The theme of the 2019 UUA General Assembly was “The Power of We.” While an inspiring ideal of unity and inclusion, how does a person or a community actually achieve such an ideal within a society rife with division, hatred, and violence? Rev. Rita addresses … read more.

Ultimately, What Makes You Tick?

How about we entertain some curiosity about ourselves? How well do you know yourself? What gives you joy? To what or whom do you pin your hopes and dreams for yourself? What freezes you into inaction, incapacity, indifference? Let’s imagine together that we … read more.

Honoring our Families, Children, and Youth

As we continue exploring our Soul Matters monthly theme, Curiosity, we pause to recognize all the families with children and youth enlivening and enlarging our Fellowship. Please join Carrie Rice, Director of Children’s Faith Development, Rev. Rita Capezzi, and the UUFM Choir under … read more.