Topic: Deep Listening

Listening to Others

Physician and writer Rachel Naomi Remen writes that, “Our listening creates sanctuary for the homeless parts of another person.” What if we approached those with whom we disagree in this spirit—that they have a homeless place within that needs care and attention? What if we … read more.

What Gets in the Way of Listening?

Theologian Paul Tillich wrote, “The first duty of love is to listen.” While we all want to be loving, a variety of things might get in our way of listening—how a person talks and what they say, thoughts about the world filling our own minds … read more.

Listening to the Silence

Rev. Rita is taking this Sunday off to participate (virtually) in the ordination of a seminary mate back East. Our congregation will join Minnesota Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (Bloomington, MN). Make a place to sit down. Sit down. Be quiet…Accept what comes from silence. Make … read more.

Listening for Yourself

Quaker educator and activist Parker Palmer writes: “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.” How might a person find ways to hear themselves, hear their lives telling them … read more.

Listening for Yourself

Listening for Yourself

Quaker educator and activist Parker Palmer writes: “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.” How might a person find ways to hear themselves, hear their lives … read more.