Topic: Expectation

An Expectation of Justice

The Fellowship is now fully immersed in our Welcoming Congregations Trans Initiative. Are you feeling engaged? Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen reminds us that “We do not know if this arc bends toward justice. The great test of our Unitarian Universalist faith is not whether we believe … read more.

An Expectation of Community

The great “Unknown” records that “What you see depends upon what you’re looking for.” Today we will give some consideration to whom and what we expect to see in the Fellowship, and how that expectation provides us with “community.” Rev. Rita preaching.

Soul Matters Monthly Theme: … read more.

Ingathering/Water Communion

Flood waters finally receded over the summer, and now we rise once more as a people returning from our summer lives and eager to coalesce once more as a religious community creating compassion and justice. This is an All-generation Service, and the Choir, under the … read more.