Topic: Integrity

The Democratic Spirit

Our 5th Principle calls us to affirm and promote “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” This principle requires that we each cultivate our individual conscience and that we respect the conscientiously made expressions … read more.

Outrage is a Privilege

Outrage is a strong emotion, and there is much in our everyday lives to spark the feeling. Yet outrage is not in itself an action for either good or ill. And further, it is a hard emotion to sustain, burning hot and subsiding quickly. How … read more.

Let’s Be Real

Integrity results in outward actions, but it begins with inward courage. To live with integrity means to choose courage over comfort, authenticity over image, and complexity over simple answers. Today we explore how integrity is at the heart of the spiritual journey.

“Our vitality … read more.

Shaping the Worth of Worship

January is the month of Integrity. And as we begin a new year, it is the perfect time to ask, “What is worship anyway? What’s it for, and how does it fit into my life?” Rev. Rita explores this topic, with hopes that at this … read more.