Topic: Love

Liberating Love

“Love your neighbor as yourself,” so we have been taught, in almost any religious tradition you could name. What if that is not the best way to love someone else? And just why wouldn’t it be? We explore today a queer vision of love. Rev. … read more.

What’s The Social Gospel Got To Do With It?

UUFM joins the Michael Servetus Unitarian Universalist Society for worship this morning. What’s The Social Gospel Got To Do With It? The Social Gospel has been a source of Unitarian Universalist’s social action and community work for decades. What is the Social Gospel and how might it … read more.

Liberating Love

“Love your neighbor as yourself,” so we have been taught, in almost any religious tradition you could name. What if that is not the best way to love someone else? And just why wouldn’t it be? We explore today a queer vision of love. Rev. … read more.