Topic: Spirituality

Online Worship Service and Coffee Hour

What is Religion For?

Some of us long for a community of like-minded people. Some of us consider ourselves “spiritual but not religious.” Some of us seek “the holy,” or don’t. So what is religion, what is a religious community, what is a reason to practice … read more.

The Gol-Darn Wheel

Politics, History, Spirituality, and the Bicycle

Lee Ganske, UUFM member and founding member of the Greater Mankato Bike and Walk Advocates

Soul Matters Monthly Theme: what does it mean to be a community of BEAUTY?

Here’s a Mystery for You

Many wonder (perhaps you do) how Unitarian Universalists can pray or worship if they question the existence of (or downright don’t believe in) God. Rev. Rita offers some perspective on such questions of religious practice and faith, … read more.

Inner Sanctum

There are times when the only place you can turn for sanctuary is within. What are the spiritual practices that enable us to build our inner life strong and secure so that we may better live lives of compassion and justice?

Your sacred space is where … read more.