UUA Holiday Message 2019 featuring Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Dear Linda,

The winter season is a time of quiet reflection, gatherings, and rituals that invite us to hold the realities of sacrifice and community, of hardship and hope. In this video message, I share some of the ways I hold on to hope and renew my commitment to justice and community building. Our Unitarian Universalist faith has room to hold it all—and room to hold us all.

UUA Holiday Message 2019 featuring Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
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I am so honored and grateful to be your UUA President. On behalf of everyone at the Unitarian Universalist Association, I send you warm wishes for more love, more joy, and more peace in this winter holiday season. Please feel welcome to share this message widely with loved ones and in your congregation. Thank you for all you do for this faith and for one another.

In faith,

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

UUA President