UUFM Library available for take-out (and returns)

UUFM Library available for take-out (and returns)

The UUFM Library catalog (books only) can be found online at https://uumankato.com/learning/uufm-library/.  In addition to books, we have DVDs, Great Courses, and even some adult-level puzzles available for check out.  We don’t have inventory-tracking, so you might want to request several items in case the one you really want is already checked out.  To take advantage of this opportunity, make your selection(s) and send your requests to Becky Rossow (bzfrogz@gmail.com).  Arrangements for pickup will be made at time of request.  We also have volunteers who can deliver them to you if needed.  We will wipe down and quarantine all items that are checked out during this time for a week or so after they are returned to make sure they are safe for others.

**If you have items checked out from before the fellowship closed, please contact Becky Rossow (bzfrogz@gmail.com) to make arrangements for returning them so others can check them out.  Thanks!**