Weekly Report of Board Actions

The Board took several votes online this month (when issues arise between meetings that require prompt attention, the Board has a procedure for addressing it).

The first was a fairly straightforward request from Personnel to permit childcare applicants to start working- and only when with another person- pending completion of their background checks.  This request passed unanimously.

The second matter deserves more extensive explanation.  After the Board Meeting in November, Building & Grounds (B&G) looked further into a proposal to replace our lighting.  It became evident that we had given the consultant inaccurate estimates, both of our annual energy usage and of the portion of that usage due to lighting.

With new estimates (these are still estimates), it appears that the net effect of this project and proposal to install photovoltaics will be an increase in our monthly energy expenses for the next five years, probably somewhere between $40-$65, most likely somewhere around $50/mo. (we are dealing with estimates, but these are the best estimates from all involved).   This would mean an increase in our energy expenses of @$600/year for 5 years.  At the end of 5 years, we would capture all of the energy savings from the new lighting (estimated at $60-80 at today’s usage—if we use the building more, the expense would obviously increase but at 28% of the rate it would have had we not done the upgrades).  After 13 years, we would capture most of the energy savings from the photovoltaics on our roof (we would capture all of the energy savings, but would incur annual maintenance expenses for the array—a few hundred dollars at today’s rates).

In light of our mission to nourish the earth, our Seventh Principle of respect for the interdependent web of existence, and our commitment to be a Green Sanctuary; considering that the lighting is a short-term (5-year) expense with an expected 20 years of further return; and considering that the lighting upgrade will improve the quality of our experience in the spaces we occupy, it makes sense to pursue these projects, from a spiritual perspective as well as from a fiscal, aesthetic and ergonomic perspective.

That the Board unanimously approved B&G’s request to enter into an agreement to mount photovoltaic solar panels on our roof and to replace our existing lighting with LED fixtures.  We do this acknowledging that our energy expenses will most likely increase for the 5 years that it takes to pay off the installation of the improved lighting.