Chalice Lighters
Chalice Lighter grants are funded by small donations from individuals—donations that are pooled together to help congregations from across our large MidAmerica Region of the UUA with specific growth projects. MidAmerica awards a single large grant of over $10,000 to one congregation for each Call, so that congregations can receive more funds for starting new fellowships, acquiring meeting space, securing a minister, religious educator, or other professional staff, or providing for outreach and public relations.

Many members of UUFM are already Chalice Lighters, helping other congregations to achieve their growth and development goals. As part of this program, individuals show that we understand what it means to be part of an association. Our Fellowship means so much to us, and we know we are part of a greater whole.

If you would like to make a contribution to the Chalice lighter program, check out this link.