Speaker: Rev. Dr. Rita Capezzi


How to have it, how to show it, and why we need it even more when the world feels wrong and sad.
Join us to celebrate all that we have accomplished as a community this year, as we prepare our hearts for the UUFM … read more.

Why Unitarian Universalism Now?

As numerous Christian denominations increasingly embrace causes of social justice at the core of our faith tradition, how does Unitarian Universalism remain unique and relevant? What does our religious community have to offer that we can’t get anywhere else in our world?


Our space is virtual, … read more.

Overcoming the Disconnect

Many of us find respite from our overly wired world by gardening or hiking or otherwise reveling in the beauty of the natural world. How might we move from relationship to interconnection, with nature not as a sight for sore eyes and minds but the … read more.

What New Day Dawns for Us Today?

In the Christian tradition, Christ rose this day to pay for the sins of humankind and to reconcile humanity to God. What sins are redeemed; what reconciliation is achieved for Unitarian Universalists, especially in this time riven with violence and hatred? What new day dawns … read more.

When Nature is You

This week, we celebrate with an Earth Communion the vernal equinox and our lives as part of nature. Special worship bags will be provided on March 19 and 20. We highlight today the efforts of our Green Sanctuary Team to bring awareness of climate crisis … read more.

Money and Reciprocity

Many of us are used to the idea of “Charitable Giving.” Many of us do it regularly. Is our aim to help the needy, the less fortunate? Or can money be for healing, for mutuality, for a reciprocal relationship of give and take without superiority … read more.

Imagining Our Future

More than five years ago, your Fellowship took a leap of faith and aimed for full-time called ministry. Almost three years ago, you called a full-time settled minister, and we began to dream a future together. In faith and dreaming together, what might the UUFM … read more.

Intentional Gratitude

UUFM is a community of compassion and companionship, and compassion and companionship are both forms of giving that sustain both the giver and the receiver. As we begin our 2022-2023 pledge drive to raise the funds needed to sustain the ministries of this Fellowship, we … read more.