Speaker: Rev. Dr. Rita Capezzi

Intentional Gratitude

UUFM is a community of compassion and companionship, and compassion and companionship are both forms of giving that sustain both the giver and the receiver. As we begin our 2022-2023 pledge drive to raise the funds needed to sustain the ministries of this Fellowship, we … read more.

Artful Imagination

Throughout the Enlightenment period, whose modes of inquiry and thought inform, among other things, our political system as well as our system of higher education, Imagination was seen as a suspect mental capacity. Reason has been and continues to be conceived as the ultimate way … read more.

Intentions and Possibilities

The advent of the new year brings with it the dreaded “New Year Resolution.” And making a new year resolution so often brings us into a place of lack and fault-finding. How about this year, instead, we take a leap and open ourselves up to … read more.

Stillness Inside and Out

Even during a pandemic, and maybe because of one, it is difficult to find stillness within all the noise, bustle, and nervous energy. And why seek stillness? How might we both find it and cultivate it? Rev. Rita preaching.


Our space is virtual, but our worship … read more.

When Wounds Don’t Heal

Culturally, we have learned to react in horror to a wound—to see it as ugly, untoward, something to cover over, to forget about, to keep out of the light of day. If we admit that some wounds simply don’t heal—don’t close up and fade away—much … read more.

Healing (from) Our Democracy.

Our American democratic system holds much promise for equality and justice for all, yet we know that it has never functioned in an entirely inclusive and equitable way. As we face the realities of the election, whatever they may be, we will have to work … read more.

Listening to Others

Physician and writer Rachel Naomi Remen writes that, “Our listening creates sanctuary for the homeless parts of another person.” What if we approached those with whom we disagree in this spirit—that they have a homeless place within that needs care and attention? What if we … read more.

What Gets in the Way of Listening?

Theologian Paul Tillich wrote, “The first duty of love is to listen.” While we all want to be loving, a variety of things might get in our way of listening—how a person talks and what they say, thoughts about the world filling our own minds … read more.