Speaker: Rev Rita Capezzi

Faith in Change

In the words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” This is a good description of justice work, and with Rev. Rita preaching, we will explore steps and staircases in Greater Mankato.

This … read more.

Faith in Yourself

The Hebrew word for faith in the Hebrew Bible is “emoonah,” the sound a baby donkey makes when calling to its mother. With Rev. Rita preaching, we will explore how being in touch with our own longings enables us to hear each other’s needs without … read more.

From E Pluribus, Unum to In God We Trust

Historical and official mottos of the United States say much about the self-presentation of a country. Today we explore the promise and the risk of embracing such mottos, as we consider the challenge of living in a diverse democracy under threat by forces that would … read more.

Love the One You’re With

What a beautiful way! To widen the circle of loving and compassionate inclusion—all identities, all beingness, all sexualities. Can we begin our practice by including ourselves, our entire selves, with all of our beauty marks, idiosyncrasies, and growing edges? Have we the loving fortitude both … read more.

World of Wonders

The world is ripe and overflowing with biodiversity and plentiful with diverse beauty. We know that this condition is good for life, which is why we battle climate change. But why is biodiversity good for life? How might knowing this good provide a lesson to … read more.