Speaker: Tony Filipovitch

The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes

A mindset of abundance flows from a sense of personal worth and security.  It is the confidence that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody.  It reaches out to possibilities, options, creativity.  The miracle of the loaves and fishes … read more.

The Care and Feeding of a New Minister

So, after almost nine months, with a lot of effort (made easier by the great story we can tell about ourselves), we’ve actually done it-we looked for a minister who would be the best partner for us as we grow still further in nourishing our … read more.

Courageous Hospitality

Courageous Hospitality Living together in community, across our differences, takes courage and hospitality. Today’s sermon will be an extended meditation on one person’s path that led into this beloved community.

Worship Leader: Kim Evans

Sound Booth: John Knox

In Memory

Continuing our Memorial Weekend tradition, this service is devoted to remembering on reflecting on the lives of those who have died in the last year.

Tony Filipovitch is a retired MSU Professor and a re-enactor of Thomas Jefferson. And he spends the entire year reading and … read more.