Topic: Easter

Coming Alive to All that Life Makes Possible

This week we explore an invitation to awareness of the goodness of life, always present and within our reach. Our service this week includes recognition of members new to the Fellowship since the start of the pandemic in 2020.

This is an In Person & Zoom service.

Our … read more.

What Becomes of Earth’s Beauty?

Indeed, what does become of Earth’s beauty as our human societies pollute continuously and as the climate warms disastrously? Can we learn a new way to live on the earth? What might a new way look like?

Please join us for an All-Generation Service. … read more.

Practice Resurrection

The ancient story of Easter still speaks to us today — new beginnings emerge with fresh possibilities, even in those moments when it seems that all is tragically lost. As Unitarian Universalists, how do we honor the wondrous power of resurrection and renewal in our … read more.

Strength of Our Loving

Easter in a new key – Hope is real. Change is possible.  People can be free.  Weakness of nature is not the final word.  The final word lies instead in the strength of our loving.
Reverend Don