Topic: Faith

The Courage to Ask: A Question Box Service

Rather than a formal sermon, Rev. Rita offers a conversation on Big Questions: What does it mean to have faith? What do Unitarian Universalists make of evil? What is theology to an atheist or an agnostic? What should we hold onto of our Christian heritages? … read more.

Faith in Change

In the words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” This is a good description of justice work, and with Rev. Rita preaching, we will explore steps and staircases in Greater Mankato.

This … read more.

Faith in Yourself

The Hebrew word for faith in the Hebrew Bible is “emoonah,” the sound a baby donkey makes when calling to its mother. With Rev. Rita preaching, we will explore how being in touch with our own longings enables us to hear each other’s needs without … read more.

Ultimately, What Makes You Tick?

How about we entertain some curiosity about ourselves? How well do you know yourself? What gives you joy? To what or whom do you pin your hopes and dreams for yourself? What freezes you into inaction, incapacity, indifference? Let’s imagine together that we … read more.

Together, We Covenant . . .

“Today I want to greet joy/Without a trace of suspicion.” Amy Loyd

On Sunday, March 10, join us for our worship service in the sanctuary. Children begin downstairs for a Full-Hour Children’s Chapel and journey quest.

Through covenants, we are the active … read more.

Trusting Ourselves

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float”—Alan Watts

When we know we have made mistakes, when we … read more.

Intersectionality: Diversity, Inclusion, and UU

June’s Theme – Blessings

Unpack the narratives of our injustice at the intersection of rage and grief in America. This will be a time of historical reflection, contemporary action, sharing of tools to authenticate justice and inclusion work in Mankato.

Pastor Danny Givens, MUUSJA Statewide Organizer
Pastor Danny Givens, … read more.

Getting to Know You

Most of us are eager to be known by and to know others, to be perceived as we are and as we might become. We’ll explore today how differences, affinities, and especially opportunities for synergy bring us together and enable us to grow in relationship.

April … read more.

The Care and Feeding of a New Minister

So, after almost nine months, with a lot of effort (made easier by the great story we can tell about ourselves), we’ve actually done it-we looked for a minister who would be the best partner for us as we grow still further in nourishing our … read more.