Topic: Resilience

All-gen Service with the UUFM Choir

A service created and delivered by our Youth Group and their facilitators, Lee Ganske and Barb Franchino. Coins collected at this service will go the Youth for their discernment of the social action they wish to support.

Soul Matters Monthly Theme: What does it mean to … read more.

Whence Springs Hope?

Reverend Doege’s sermon for February 9, posits that what comes to define our generations (late boomer, gen X, perhaps millennials) for future generations will be the extent to which we are able to choose hope over despair.


The Reverend Lisa Doege has been minister at Nora … read more.

Resilience is a Verb

Well, the word isn’t a verb, but resilience lived is an action, an active doing, creating, healing when we are confronted by destructive events or debilitating sorrow. Together, we’ll explore how to live into and build resilience in community.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme: What does it … read more.