Topic: Soul

Crossing Bridges

Rumi reminds us that “love is the bridge between you and everything.” Yet we are not automatically lovers of ourselves, other people, the world. Love doesn’t just happen. So how do we make love an action rather than a beautiful but potentially empty sentiment? How … read more.

Five Smooth Stones

July Theme: Growing Our Souls
Five Smooth Stones

“Why don’t more UUs know about the five smooth stones the way they know about the seven principles and occasionally the six sources?” This was a question posed during a recent online UU Theology course. We’ll take a … read more.

Being and Becoming

July Theme: Growing Our Souls
Being and Becoming

Although sometimes it doesn’t feel this way, nothing about who or what we are (as a person, a people, a nation, a world) remains permanently set or fixed. We, from the micro to the macro, are in a … read more.