Click the link below to see how you can get involved.

THANK YOU to all who have generously offered to help with the over 2,000 postcards being sent to renter-voters turn out to vote. Only 40% of renter-voters usually vote.

Diane Dobitz has only a few packets of postcards left to write.  Can you help us get to the finish line?  Look for her on Sunday mornings or contact her by email at or (507) 995-9715.  MN FOR ALL legislation that has been hanging on only one, or a few, legislative votes. Together we can make a difference!

Also, look forward to Secretary of State, Steve Simon, coming to speak about the importance of voting in our democracy’  UUFM will host Secretary Simon and our neighbors from the Greater Mankato Area who attend on Wednesday, evening on September 25th.  Put this on your calendar and invite anyone and as many as you can to also attend.  Together we work to protect and strengthen our democracy.


Pro Democracy work with other Minnesota UU Congregations
Message from Karen Wills: MUUSJA Democracy Strategist

 “We Choose Us summit”


What a powerful Democracy Defense Summit this morning – thank you to all of you who were able to join us and who made commitments to lead on our county democracy defense path this year!

Regardless of whether you were able to join live today, we have a few important resources for you:

  1. Commitment Form – especially if you weren’t able to attend today or didn’t have time to finish during our event, consider filling out our commitment form to join our county democracy defense teams in whatever capacity you can: I will make sure you get registered for all the events you commit to when you submit the form.

  1. Guide to Elections Resources – I mentioned We Choose Us has created a resource guide. This is going to be a living document meant to point people in the direction of great resources that already exist (and any new ones We Choose Us creates)! We already updated it with some suggestions you all made during our summit. Although I apologize to those in the breakout groups – I’m not able to see what you suggested in your chat. If you don’t see your resource recommendation on page 3, please email me and I will add it. You can keep coming back to this link to find important resources in the future, and even make suggestions to add more. I ask that you please email me what the resource is and why you think it’s important to include it in this document so I can add it in directly.

  1. New York Times Video – I very briefly mentioned a New York Times video that goes into greater detail about the nature of the coordinated attack on our democracy across the country. You can watch it on your own time here.

  1. “Flavors” of Organizing Activity Graphic – we walked through this graphic during the section of the agenda where county groups reported on what’s happening in their counties and what their teams are doing about it. Most counties fall into one of these categories, although they can switch categories at any given time. There are a set of counties we still don’t know about – all the more reason to build these teams in as many counties as possible!

  1. Our Organizing Path Through the Election – we also walked through our organizing plan for the next 5 months. County defense teams will be pursuing plans that make the most sense in their own county contexts, but there will be “peak” moments where we all come back together to execute a shared strategy. Those are detailed in this document.

I didn’t record the meeting for security purposes, but we heard some really powerful stories from folks like Todd Lippert of the Rural Organizing Project of Isaiah about the stakes for him and his family, the grassroots leaders who have stepped up to lead county teams in their communities and Secretary of State Steve Simon, who validated this county democracy defense work is a gap we can and should fill together in Minnesota.

I’m excited to be in this with you,


Lilly Sasse

Campaign Director

