Our Routines in Children’s Faith Development

In order to provide more clarity to all, about both why and what we do, the following describes our routines in Children’s Faith Development. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to adapt, as we have yet to return to our sanctuary for worship as a congregation, and much of our programming has been online. For the safety of the young people in our congregation, we continue to require two background-checked adults to co-host each session.

Children’s Chapel (for grades K-6)

We currently host Children’s Chapel over Zoom, from 11:30am-12:30pm (the hour following worship), twice a month. Our time together consists of lighting our chalice, sharing joys and concerns, listening to the tale for all ages, practicing mindfulness, and inviting various activities or additional sharing. We ask that if you are joining us, that you register your kids on the Breeze link for each session provided in our calendar or updates. Zoom links are provided to all families in our system through email and our private Facebook group.