Healing Democracy
Minnesota UU Social Justice Alliance (MUUSJA) — Upcoming Important Dates and Events
Wednesdays & Fridays, 5-7pm, August 7th through November 1st: Engage Young, Diverse, Minnesota Renters & Students to “choose who makes the rules” about our “refuge in the Midwest for repro & gender-affirming healthcare”. REGISTER for details of statewide follow-up texting/voicemails to our “MUUSJA Postcard Buddies.” https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpde-trDwjHNOd_ZcBPc16_xlxX9MAX3o6
WHEN: Wednesdays and Fridays, starting August 7th, continuing until election day.
WHERE: On Zoom statewide, with small groups at various congregations (TBD)
REGISTRATION (everyone MUST pre-register so that we can manage any potential trolls): https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpde-trDwjHNOd_ZcBPc16_xlxX9MAX3o6
ONGOING: REGISTER COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE VOTERS: STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS, THIS WILL HAPPEN IN SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2024. MUUSJA is partnering with LEAD-MN on plans for outreach to students enrolled at Minnesota Community and Technical schools.
ONGOING: CONTACT AND COLLABORATE WITH LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS’ CANDIDATE FORUMS AND OTHER VOTER REGISTRATION EVENTS: ONGOING, DURING AUGUST through OCTOBER, 2024: In order to block trolls, many of these events will NOT be posted on public websites or Facebook pages, so you really need to have at least one team member from each congregation become a member of a local League in order to get their newsletters and find out when and where they are hosting Candidate Forums, and Voter Registration tables or canvassing opportunities. Find the contact information for your local Leagues at https://www.lwvmn.org/find-a-local-lwv
ONGOING: COLLABORATE WITH NATIONAL UU THE VOTE ELECTION WORK IN KEY STATES (BEYOND OUR MINNESOTA BORDERS): ONGOING, DURING AUGUST through OCTOBER, 2024: As you know, Minnesota is not one of the “key states” identified by national progressive organizations including the UUA’s national UU the Vote program for 2024. This is why MUUSJA is working so hard to keep Minnesota a “refuge” for progressive values by focusing on our state legislature — few other organizations are focusing on this as a top priority. However, at a national level, we also support the efforts of the UUA to get out the vote among younger and BIPOC communities, and others likely to resist authoritarianism and promote egalitarian values. Therefore we are paying attention to opportunities for texting and phoning voters in key states, together with other UU’s from across the country, by following the emails and events from UU the Vote national organizers (Nora Rasman and Nicole Pressley), and boosting those in MUUSJA’s media.