Awe: Walking with Thoreau

UUFM joins the Unitarian Universalist Church of Eau Claire (WI) for worship this morning. Awe: Walking with Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau wrote in his journal on February 2nd, 1841: “A child asked his father what became of the old moon, and he said it was cut up into stars.” This service will explore inspirations from science, the beauty of the world and the journeys of Henry David Thoreau. Rev. Julianne Lepp preaching.

You may view this service in the UUFM Sanctuary at 937 Charles Ave or by Zoom. See your Friday worship email for the link to the service. Click this link to join the service: UUFM hosts coffee hour following the service both in person and on Zoom. Exit the worship service and click this link to join the Coffee Hour:

Contact Treselia Greiner at or 507-351-3612 if you have trouble accessing either the Zoom worship service or coffee hour. When Rev. Rita is away, contact Shelly Storm, Communications and Office Administrator at and 507-388-5022 or Board President Bob Finley at and 507-380-1869.

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