Topic: Purpose


Please note the time changes for worship.  UUFM joins the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northfield for worship this morning. Thrive: The poet John O’Donohue says, “May I have the courage today / To live the life that I would love”. In this service we explore courage … read more.

Setting Intentions for our Future

Today, we gather after worship for the Fellowship’s Mid-Year Meeting, with a State of Our Ministries update and an opportunity for the congregation to reflect on the direction in which we our moving as a religious community. It’s a good time to reflect on some … read more.

What’s Next?

Where have we come from, in this last year of shared ministry? And where are we going? We have plans! And still much will unfold in ways mysterious and beyond our attempts to control. How can together we grow evermore trusting and confident … read more.

Weaving Webs

Sometimes it feels like the world is determined to tear us apart, to set us against each other, to isolate us from one another. What can we do to recognize the threads connecting us, to weave stronger strands of relationship, to value the interdependent web … read more.

Seeing Our Service

American philosopher and self-help guru Wayne Dyer claims, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” What might this mean for us on a Sunday morning, worshiping in the context of Unitarian Universalism? What might this mean on … read more.

Being and Becoming

July Theme: Growing Our Souls
Being and Becoming

Although sometimes it doesn’t feel this way, nothing about who or what we are (as a person, a people, a nation, a world) remains permanently set or fixed. We, from the micro to the macro, are in a … read more.


It means attending to the needs of others. You have been doing that for quite some time. So have I. All of us, I imagine, with humility and resilience. Today we’ll celebrate ministry and explore how we might minister together.

April Theme: Transformation

Getting to Know You

Most of us are eager to be known by and to know others, to be perceived as we are and as we might become. We’ll explore today how differences, affinities, and especially opportunities for synergy bring us together and enable us to grow in relationship.

April … read more.

The Care and Feeding of a New Minister

So, after almost nine months, with a lot of effort (made easier by the great story we can tell about ourselves), we’ve actually done it-we looked for a minister who would be the best partner for us as we grow still further in nourishing our … read more.


Are you looking for more meaningful relationships, peace of mind, cleaner or organized space? Kelten Kelly, owner of Re-Imagined Life, has built a business creating steps that connect the physical and mental to a place where we can de-clutter, create a space of relaxation, self-reflection … read more.